After a new border crossing, the most ridiculous of all: not computerized, you do not look at our bags ... we arrive at La Paz. The city is built on an elevation of 800 meters, or the richest live down. Up on a plateau over 4,000 meters, lies the suburb of El Alto (800000 inh.) Completed the construction parpaigns apparent. Suddenly, the whole city is pink except the large buildings constructed at the bottom.
The city is filled with activity, with people everywhere and minibuses, and we're staying near the Cathedral San Francisco's tourist district.
We can get lost in the steps, and we climb up a watchtower from where one has a panoramic view over the city surrounded by snowy peaks.
We assume also a day Tiwanaku, on the plateau. This former capital of the Tiwanaku civilization, was looted, but we can still explore the ruins. This civilization before the Inca realm, and we think that its decline is due to a flood the plateau in the extension of Lake Titicaca.
Among others, we could see the door of the Sun, which makes us think of Tintin!
Back in La Paz, before taking different paths: Mathieu remains in Bolivia towards Potosi, while Thomas hand to Iguazu before returning to France.
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