U not new Barcelona tour took us up on instead of the 1992 Olympics which took place on Mount Montjuic.
We begin our visit to Placa Espanya. This is a great place where the FIRA (International Fair of Barcelona) which annually hosts 3.5 million visitors. Se was also the "gateway" for the 1992 Olympics symbolized by its two huge columns on each side of the avenue leading to the castle!

We borrow so this avenue with a magnificent view of the Palau Nacional and its many fountains located below and waterfalls.

The National Palace which hosts today several museums on the Renaissance, Gothic, Baroque, photography ...
After climbing the many stairs leading to the palace, we have a beautiful view of the Placa Espanya. We can even see (at Crane) the former arena of Barcelona which is undergoing renovation to become a great mall. The new arena is located in the heart of the city. I intend to go elsewhere to attend the corrida in Barcelona on June 10th ... I'll give more details at this time.
Every Friday and Saturday evenings there is also a show of his water-light. The large fountain that you see on the pictures above, is driven for 30 minutes with the play of light and classical music, opera. Excellent sight to see and hear.

We continue our tour by exploring the Montjuic hill behind the palace. We see in particular the Olympic Stadium (interior and exterior). From outside it does not seem obvious that this is a football stadium!
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