Tuesday, February 17, 2009

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tree : position of embracing the tree posture of standing meditation, see zhanzhuang.
baduanjin : 8 pieces of brocade, a famous qigong, composed of eight movements.
baihui : meeting 100; meeting point of Yang energy is at the top of the head in relation to the above, with the sky.
jumper: jumper, standing meditation posture, see zhanzhuang.
dantian : field of cinnabar; energy center. The lower dan tian is located at the center of gravity of the body, the center of the abdomen, it stores the jing; dantian the median is the center of the chest, it stores the qi, the upper dan tian is located at the head, it stores the shen. When we say "the dan tian" without specifying where it talks about the lower dan tian. There are variations to these locations.
suede : Meridian belt, goes around the waist.
dazhoutian : sky high traffic, high orbit. By concentrating the qi is circulated in the 12 meridians of the body.
Dazhui : the large vertebra, first dorsal vertebra, upper back, before the neck, which protrudes a bit.
Dumai: ship governor meridian in the midline of the posterior body, the yang energy meridian of the body.
home: see triple heater.
cinnabar see jing.
tiger's mouth : space formed by the thumb and forefinger, the tiger's mouth is open or closed, depending on whether the hand is open or form a fist.
houtianqi : postnatal qi obtained from the conversion of food and air.
Huiyin : meeting of yin point in the perineum. Meeting point energies yin in relation to the bottom, with the land.
jing (Cinnabar), vital energy, basic energy, fundamental tone, stored in the lower dan tian.
ke see wuxing.
laogong : palace of work; point in the hollow of the palm, one of the doors of power exchange with the outside.
Mingmen : door of fate point deep in the back, about the axis of the navel.
meridians: the body's subtle channels through which energy flows. There are 12 meridians of the system and the system of the 8 meridians, also called the 8 vessels curious or wonderful.
neigong : practice of internal alchemy, internal working of the qi.
orbit: see xiaozhoutian and dazhoutian.
qi : broad energy, breath. Narrow sense: energy transformation, stored in dantian means. Metamorphosed form of jing.
qigong : energy management, labor breaths. Physical exercises, breathing and concentration.
qijingbamai : the 8 curious meridians.
renmai : ship design; Meridian located on the midline of the anterior body and the meridian energy yin.
Shanzhong : mid-chest ; Point between the two nipples.
shen : 1) the spirit, mind, spiritual energy, stored in upper dan tian. Metamorphosed form of jing and qi. 2) shen cycle: see wuxing.
Shendao : the way of spirits; point between the shoulder blades, in the axis point Shanzhong.
taiji : the supreme ultimate, the grand final, the famous drawing of Yin and Yang is a symbolic representation of taiji.
drum heavenly back of the skull.
Tianmu : third eye.
tiao shen : harmonize body shape (movements, positions and attitudes).
tiao xi : harmonize breathing.
tiao xin : harmonizing the heart.
ting : points of arrival or departure of the 12 meridians, located at the corner of the root of fingernails and toenails (except Yongquan, under foot).
triple heater (Sanjiao) or three homes; below correspond to the heater organs kidney and bladder through the heater are the spleen, stomach and liver; the upper heater match the heart and lungs. Variant: the lower furnace are the organs of elimination, home through the organs of assimilation and the upper furnace circulatory and respiratory organs.
wailaogong : wai = external point on the back of the hand in the axis of laogong. See laogong.
weilu : point to the coccyx.
weiqi : defensive energy, protection, flow to the surface.
Wuji : emptiness, symbolized by an empty circle.
wuxing : theory of 5 elements, wood, fire, earth, metal, water. Governed by the laws of generation cycle (shen) and control (ke cycle). Basis for change and development of all beings and all phenomena. Describes the nature of the organs of the body, relationships between them, and their correspondence with the universe.
xiantianqi : prenatal qi.
xiaozhoutian : small celestial movement; small orbit microcosmic orbit, by concentrating the qi is circulated in a loop around the body through the meridians and Dumai renmai.
xieqi : Energy perversely flawed.
Xuehai, point to the knee, a little inner thigh.
yi : intention, concentration.
yin-yang: two opposing principles, interdependent, complementary, that fluctuate and change each other. The outer is yang, yin is internally where the back is yang, the abdomen is yin yang is the left, the right is yin yang is the top, the bottom is Yin. The movement is yang, yin is immobility, etc. ...
Yingqi : nurturing energy; runs deep into the body, nourish the blood.
Yongquan : gushing spring; point the soles of the feet, about 2 / 3 forward and starting point of Kidney meridian, one of the doors of power exchange with the outside.
yuanqi : original energy; before birth, stored the lower furnace.
Yuzhen : the pillow of jade, is the area of the occiput.
zhanzhuang : standing meditation postures.
Zhongqi : central energy, stored in the average home.
zongqi : ancestral energy, stored in the upper furnace.

Source: sinoptic.ch

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Qigong-The Energy Working

Qigong, or Chinese gymnastics health is a practical energy used for millennia by the Chinese people to maintain or improve health or to develop greater power in martial arts.

Qi means energy, Gong means work Qi Gong means, therefore, the work is to increase or control the flow of energy through the body.

movements of Chi Kung are made without muscular effort and without increase in heart rate and respiration.
Instead, breathing slows, promoting relaxation and awakening of consciousness.

Regular practice of Qigong helps to develop the internal knowledge of its body and a more subtle perception of the environment, to find the link with nature and the forces opposite and complementary action as it uses the Yin and Yang.

Man is made in the image of nature and contains, like her, Yin and Yang aspects. He lives between the earth is Yin and Yang is Heaven, it is influenced and the transforms (cycle of day, seasons, climate ...) and energy adjusts accordingly.

Among the many benefits of Qi Gong, we can mention:

- relaxation, relaxation
- to relax the joints
- toning structures osteoarticular
- power in the muscular
- the Development
concentration - increasing the life energy.

Qi Gong is aimed at both children and adults and the elderly or sick it helps to live better, longer.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

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The association Arco Iris Cumbaza is the point of union, the village level, between different projects with the common goal of teaching respect for the Earth, and core values necessary for development to be human.

is a teaching space for learning values. It provides the tools leading to self-knowledge and appreciation of its qualities, and knowledge and understanding of the world around us.
It offers everyone to take time to reflect on the real human issues, and learn respect for self, others and the Earth.

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Action Strategy

To that it includes three projects that are the pillars leading to different ways to self-knowledge and its environment:

Teaching Earth the project Tierra de Niños (TiNi) (Children's Land)

Education Arts with the creative center Madre Tierra

Teaching self-awareness and self esteem in Casa Hunab Ku

- THE PROJECT TiNi (Children's Land)

is an environmental education project of the Peruvian national association ANIA (Associacion para la Niñez y su Ambiente).

Assuming that we will protect you love and that one can not love what you do not know, ANIA aims to teach children how nature works, and to get them to create an affect towards the Earth. The objective of

ANIA is to generate in the child values and practices of social and environmental responsibility by making actor in improving its environment.
environmental education projects tend to involve all actors of society (families, educational institutions, communities, businesses, local authorities, government local and regional) in the major environmental issues.

Tierra de Niños:
Earth Child is land donated to children in which they are encouraged to discover and create the life and biodiversity, and will be recognized for this as change agents in society.

TiNi is located in the same village and having the same objectives as the association Arco Iris Cumbaza, it is allowed within it.

Link Associacion ANIA (English site)

- Creative Center MADRE TIERRA

is a space for children, adolescents and adults in the village, and aimed to provide alternative education through the teaching of arts.

follow the link below cons creative center Madre Tierra

- LA CASA Hunab KU

ecotourism is a center offering activities to the pursuit of well-being and self-knowledge, and us to reconnect with the Earth and natural cycles.

follow the link below cons Casa Hunab Ku

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The association headquarters is located in San Roque Cumbaza, a small Peruvian village of San Martin region. Google Earth

6 ° 24'17 .35 "S 76 ° 25'38 .91 "O

Located one hour from Tarapoto, the regional capital, it is in the area of rainforest high Peruvian border with Brazil and is part of the conservation area of the Cordillera Regional Escalera.
The geography of the place makes it an outstanding area in flora and fauna, ecosystems high rainforest being very poorly represented in the world and home to many endemic and endangered.
In addition, the watershed the source of the river Cumbaza lies in its entirety on the district and its annexes and is the main source of water drinking the San Martin region.

District of San Roque Cumbaza nearly 1800 people, nearly half living in the village itself, the other half is allocated on the native communities nearby (Aviación Chunchiui, and Chirikyacu Aucaloma).
Almost the entire population is dedicated to agriculture and the main export products are coffee, cocoa, rice, cassava, maize, peanuts, beans, bananas and sacha inchi .